Dear Moriah,
You are actually 3 months and 10 days old today! You are growing and changing so fast that I don't want to forget some of the special things that I love about you RIGHT NOW in this stage of your life. We are having so much fun with you. You already have a distinct, unique personality and I really feel like I've gotten to know you alot better since you were born. Here are some things that come to mind when I think about you...
* Your smile. You truly have such a SWEET, infectious smile! And you've been doing it on purpose for awhile now. You like to smile! You have such a friendly, pleasant personality and when me or Daddy or someone you know is talking to you, you give us lots of big smiles! And I know I'm your mom, but you really do have such a pretty smile! Which makes us smile back and it just keeps going and going. Sometimes if you meet a stranger and they smile at you, you get a little nervous but usually you smile right back. I love your smile and I hope you will always be a big smiler! Smiling IS fun, by the way! You've recently started to do a little chuckle and sometimes you even add a little cough at the end of it for affect. It's so funny! I can't wait for the day when you just let it all go and give us a big hearty laugh!
* Your hair. Girl, you've had wild hair since Day 1. It's getting longer on that little patch up top, but yet thinner in other areas. When it's wet, it gets curly, but usually gets more straight/somewhat wavy in spots when it's dry. I cannot wait to see what it's going to turn out to look like. And I'm just chomping at the bits to put it in pig tails. Right now I like to do headbands with bows or flowers attached, and you seem to be ok with that.
*Your chunkiness! You've been putting on the weight lately, my dear! And your little rolls are the cutest, softest, sweetest things! I'm afraid you've inherited your mama's thighs. They are so chubby (and cute). And your poor little toes look like little sausages that are about to pop! I don't know how else to describe them. I have to be careful what socks I put on you, because some of them are too tight and cut into your cankles! Poor thing.
* Your personality! You are such a unique, sweet, expressive, pleasant, inquisitive, precious little soul. You definitely have an opinion and you let us know what you'd like, but it's hardly ever over the top or too pushy. You're an effective and polite communicator! Like I mentioned before, you smile a ton and you're usually very cheerful. You really prefer to stay on your schedule and feel a little off kilter if we get off of it. After you eat (which usually takes awhile-you are funny about eating sometimes), you stay awake and play for about 1 1/2-2 hrs. Right now, your playing/wake time consists of: laying on our legs and "talking" with us, looking at a book, "chatting" with your "friends" (the fish and seahorse) in your bouncy seat, sitting in your bumbo pillow and looking at your bear mobile, being held, swinging, going on stroller walks, riding in the car, etc. (You really like Kohls). heehee. When you get tired, you'll yawn (with a slight growl at the end of your yawn, like a tiger cub), or you'll do a little (quite pitiful) whine. You used to go down without so much as a whimper, but in the last couple days you've gotten smart on us! It's like you know you're going down for a nap, so when we put you down, you do this genuinely sad sounding cry. It usually lasts about 5 mins at the most and then you're out. Sometimes you sleep for the whole 1 1/2 - 2 hrs but sometimes you like to wake up mid-nap and see the sights in your cribs (grrr) : ) You get up on your forearms, raise up your head, and look around, sometimes grunting when you start to get tired. When you're done with your nap, you just lay there and coo and look around and wait on us to come get you. I love to come get you after a nap or in the morning, because your whole face lights up in a huge smile when you see me. I talk to you and pick you up and you coo back and are in such a good mood. (This is one of those things I didn't know about before I was your mom that is just so fun)!
* Your eyes - oh those big blue eyes! You didn't get my little squinty eyes. You've got your Daddy's and Tootsie's sized eyes. Big and beautiful! So many people compliment you on your eyes, and I'm sure they will for years to come. It's so funny because you're so curious and inquisitive that you'll open them SO BIG and look around the room or at the person talking to you. Sometimes you'll furrow your brow and get a serious look as well, then open up those big blues again like you're so surprised. You are quite expressive! You've recently started looking at your hands and sometimes your eyes will cross if your hand gets too close. It's pretty funny. You turn your hand around and examine each part like it's just the most interesting thing you've seen.... I pray you'll fix those eyes on Jesus one of these days and never look back!
A few other random things...
- You still like baths, although you prefer to be submerged and you definitely prefer warm water. You and I have recently taken a couple baths together and you really liked that. So did I--it was fun!
- Sorry to put your business out there, but you poop only about once every 2-3 days. We still have to put a teaspoon of Karo syrup in every bottle, as well as gas drops. We've got it down to a perfect little cocktail, but hey, we do what we have to do to keep you regular!
- You're a big talker...sometimes you'll surprise us with a sudden loud yell, but most of the time you use this sweet little voice and you furrow your brow like you're trying so hard. It's the cutest thing. And for some reason you tend to use the "guh" sound alot. I continually work with you on "mamamama" but that hasn't come yet.
- You're OBSESSED with ceiling fans! Sometimes we have to move you in the other room to take your bottle if there's a ceiling fan in the room, because you lock onto it and completely stop eating. It was really tricky at Tootsie and Pop's because they have a ceiling fan in almost every room! ha.
- You HATE the sunlight. I mean it's serious. Sometimes I'll take you with me to go check the mailbox, and if there's even a hint of sun outside, you'll throw yourself backwards, arch your back, grimace, and turn your head. It's pretty dramatic. As much as you don't like the sun, you still manage to have a pretty good tan. (For some reason your legs and body is more tan than your face. Actually I'm like that too, so I guess it's not such a big mystery).
- You really love Elizabeth, your cousin/nanny/special friend. You light up and smile when you're with her and it makes me feel soooo good to know you're in such good hands when I have to work. I don't know what we're going to do without her when she leaves!
- You adore your daddy! You respond and interact with him in a noticeably different way than me, and it's so cute and interesting! You laugh and yell louder with him and get more boisterous. I can't wait to see yall's relationship continue to grow over the years. Daddies are very special people. Trust me , I know : )
Moriah Grace, I never knew how much FUN I'd have being your mom. The more I get to know you, the more I LOVE and LIKE and ENJOY you! You're like my little buddy and I love to spend time with you, talk to you, and love on you. It's so weird how I get up at 6am on Saturdays and Sundays now, but I really don't mind! I still get nervous/anxious sometimes, because I want to be the best mom I can be for you and sometimes I feel overwhelmed. I continually surrender you to the Lord, and in just saying your name I am reminded that you belong to Him first, and you are in His hands. I'm thankful for every single day that He allows us to spend with you. I'm having the time of my life being your mom!
Ramblings from a Child of God, Wife, Mom, Counselor, Daughter, Sister, and Friend...trying to juggle everything and stay jazzy!
Jazzy J
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Easter Weekend 2011

Here is Moriah right before we headed to Gilmer for Easter weekend. Notice she's about to bust out of the 0-3 month Ballerina Onesie she "borrowed" from cousin Kyleigh. But doesn't she look so cute?! And I just love the silver shoes. They look tiny compared to her chunky legs!
Such a sweet smile and a sweet baby girl!
Memaw, Tootsie, and Karsyn visiting with Moriah
Karsyn just had to reach out and touch her! So sweet!
The Book Club: Memaw, Brayden, Granny/Mawmaw, and Karsyn
Granny and Karsyn playing on the kitchen floor
Karsyn feeding Ryan a plastic vegetable!
This girl's new favorite hobby (besides hollering) is pointing!
Horsing around with Daddy
Cousin Kyleigh making Moriah smile! So sweet!
Moriah somewhat startled as Karsyn tries to "attack" her with love. Kyleigh is getting a kick out of these two!
Well, our visions of a picture perfect grandkid pose didn't exactly happen, but they are still so cute! It was about 12:30 and Moriah was wanting a bottle at 12 sharp! Plus the preacher kept interrupting her nap so she was wanting some sleep-haha! Kyleigh and Brayden did a great job. Karsyn was happy, just all over the place! Gotta love it!
Poor Kyleigh had to hold the screaming baby but she kept her smile the whole time!
Four Generations: Memaw, Tootsie, Jess, and Moriah
Brayden the Bunny
After the egg hunt - Kyleigh
It was a great Easter. Thanks for hosting all of us, Tootsie and Pop!
Monday, April 18, 2011
So I returned to work 2 weeks ago and it's been quite the whirlwind...Things are going well but it's been quite busy! So sorry I haven't posted pics but I'm scrambling to spend any extra time with this sweet, growing baby girl! I'll post an update of her "latest tricks" soon....In the meantime, here are some pics from the last few weeks:

Enjoying time with Grandma and Grandpa Allen, who came to visit the last week in March.
Hanging out with Uncle John

Looking at pictures with Daddy, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle John, and Uncle Jay
Moriah and Grandpa Allen
All dressed up for her first Sunday at church- looking so pretty! April 3, 2011
Is this not hilarious?! She looks like a chunky, intense ballerina! Watch out Black Swan!
Starving after her 2nd Sunday at church! April 10, 2011
All smiles after her 3rd Sunday at church: April 17, 2011 (notice her hand in her pocket!)
So inquisitive about everything! - April 17, 2011
Chillin with Pop...He and Tootsie came to see us Sunday April 17th. Good times!
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