The last week of school was a busy week preparing for Graduation. Lots of errands to run, lists to make, things to scratch off those lists, etc.
Ahhh, scratching off the To Do List...what gratification!...i'm a "scratcher offer" rather than a "checker." There's just something about crossing each item out completely that is a slight rush for me. Much more than a mere checkmark for goodness sakes!
Moving along, it was a very hectic week that ended with a wonderful, sweet, special, classy Graduation ceremony. After the ceremony, however, i discovered my cell phone had been "borrowed" by one of our sweet angels. i managed to get it back after doing a little Sherlock Holmes, but when i got it back, ALL MY CONTACTS AND PICTURES WERE GONE! ALL 300 SOMETHING CONTACTS AND PICTURES SINCE THE DAY OF MORIAH'S BIRTH! Deep breath. i had a big talk with the young man today about stealing and how it affects the person you steal from and WHAT THOSE PICTURES MEANT TO ME and i may have cried during that little speech and i'm not really sure, judging from the blank look on the youngster's face, if anything got through to him. but at least i got it off my chest!
After Graduation Friday, we took our sweet "baby" Esteban out to eat as a celebration since he had no family show up to be there. One funny moment from that: When Billy handed him the bread (we were at Outback where they serve that delicious brown bread--not sure what it's called), Esteban said "Oh no thanks Dad, I don't like chocolate." Cute, huh?
Saturday morning we woke up bright and early to feed Moriah and then get our stuff loaded for the annual Pate Reunion. It was our first "extended stay" with the baby (meaning more than one day-ha) in a place other than a family member's house. And I have to say it went pretty good. Of course there's always the continual reminder that you are now operating on the baby's schedule, not yours. Our life currently revolves around eating time and naptime and while i wouldn't want to have it any other way, it does take some adjusting to. Especially when you're going to do an activity you've always done before.
i.e. Swimming- we waited till she woke up from her nap to go, then got to the pool later than everyone. After arriving, we really went "all out" sitting on the concrete, holding Moriah on the edge of the baby blow-up pool and letting her feet and legs dangle in the water. i then took her to the shaded area when it got too hot, only to go back to the room about 10 minutes later as she was ready for another nap. Ahh, the life of a 4 month old! I know the Big Slide is in our future here in a few years, but right now we are partying on the sidelines! And having a blast nevertheless! : )
Moriah enjoyed meeting her cousins, aunts, and uncles that she hasn't met and seeing the familiar faces of the ones she already knows. I think all the noise and commotion was good for her, as she's used to living in a quiet house with two (well, make that one) quiet adults. Poor thing jumped and startled so many times the first time she was around Ryan's kids, i thought her nerves were gonna be shot! She became a real pro with all the racket this weekend and hardly jumped at all!
It was a wonderful time had by all and i was reminded once again what an awesome family we have been blessed with. i hope we will continue to have our reunion for many years to come and i've even pledged to find some t-shirts for next year...we are really gonna have some soul with our Family Reunion t-shirts yall!
The only downer was that every food i've ever loved was there (hello Mama's Chocolate Chip Cookies, Yummy Hamburgers, Tons of Snacks, and Homemade Cheesecake) so i wavered a tad from my Weight Watchers points. Not sure my walking and "virtual jumprope" will cover for it but we shall see.
i call it "Virtual Jumprope" because i don't actually have a real jumprope right now, but i jump up and down and do my arms around as if i do. i can jump both feet at the same time or do the running technique. i can crisscross and even do the double jump! don't hate. my virtual jumprope was free, and best of all, it never slaps me in the calves!
On that note, i better "call it a post." More pics to come soon. Gotta fold some laundry before this baby wakes up from her nap!
Ramblings from a Child of God, Wife, Mom, Counselor, Daughter, Sister, and Friend...trying to juggle everything and stay jazzy!
Jazzy J
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Double Ear Infection and Pics
Well, that "first fever" ended up being a middle ear infection in both ears. Poor baby! You could tell she was in pain and uncomfortable but she would just whimper and it was pitiful! At one time, she and I were both boohooing as I rocked her in the recliner-haha I know I'm a drama mama. Thank goodness I took her to the doctor Monday "just in case." Guess I'll know what to look for next time with her symptoms. The medicine started kicking in and she's been feeling better thank you Lord! Last night (Tues night) she slept through the night for the first time since Friday. What a difference a night's sleep makes!
And here's a few pics from the last couple weeks that I hadn't posted yet...
And here's a few pics from the last couple weeks that I hadn't posted yet...
This is how I found her during her nap a couple weeks ago. Her new trick is to "scoot" to the corner of her crib! She loves to be cuddled up against the bumpers. Cool trick, Moriah, but it scares Mama!
Climbing on her favorite jungle gym- Daddy!
After church a few Sundays ago (we were color coordinated but I didn't even realize it until someone mentioned it to me at church). I'm just glad to get us all dressed and out the door on Sunday mornings! (Moriah has decided that's her favorite time to take a big poop)!
Talking with Tootsie
Tootsie, you crack me up
The 2 youngest cousins- Karsyn and Moriah, with Tootsie
Mo and Pop are Aggie fans! Whoop!
"She's sitting in my spot!!!"
Ok, that's better!
The Cousin Paparazzi!
Kyleigh loves to hold Moriah and does such a good job!
Sweet girls
"Where's Karsyn?" Moriah isn't sure, but she's thinkin about it. Hmmm...
Sunday, May 15, 2011
First Fever
(This is one of those I'm basically documenting for me, so it's not too interesting!)
Moriah started getting a little fussy and I could just tell she was uncomfortable yesterday about 4:30am. She has not woken up in the night since 9 weeks old, so I figured something was going on. She was congested and snorting and whining. She wasn't running a fever yet, but she was unsettled and I could just tell she wasn't feeling well, so I went ahead and gave her a little Tylenol, as well as doing the "snot sucker" and doing some nasal Saline drops. Yesterday afternoon her temp gradually increased, and by last night it was 100.7. I realize no seasoned mother would even bat an eye at that temp, but it was our first fever and I got my first dose of seeing my baby not feeling well and it wasn't too fun! My parents had gone on a date in Tyler and happened to stop by, so I was glad my mom was there with me (and you too, Dad! heehee). Mom held Moriah while I called the doctor and they gave me some good tips, and I was relieved to know I was already doing most of what they suggested. They said I didn't need to bring her in unless her temp got above 102, or if it was lower than that but she was inconsolable or had alot of trouble breathing, wasn't eating, etc. She was still eating ok and although she was uncomfortable and "whimpery," she was consolable. In the night she got fussy again about 3ish, so I went in and checked her and it had gone up to 101.8. She was clammy and not feeling well at all. After changing her diaper, doing her nose drops/snot sucker, and giving her some Tylenol, I snuggled her up with me in the recliner and we both slept until 7:30, at which time she was ready for a bottle. Her temp went down to 100.7 and then at 10:30am it was down to 99.7. So we will see if it keeps going down!
Billy was such a big help. He was just "there" to help or support however I needed and to get something, which is exactly what I needed. I did notice, however, that "thing" you hear about when a baby wants their Mama when they're sick! It's so interesting, because she adores her Daddy! But there was one time in particular he had given her a bottle and she was getting fussy, and when I walked in the room, he was rocking her gently and she was still just fussy and unsettled. I got her and she just stopped. I rocked her and hummed and she just settled in and fell asleep. Billy does such a wonderful job and she loves him so much. But I experienced that moment where she really wanted me when she was sick, and it was a special moment. (Not to take anything away from Billy, I know the day is coming when she'll want only Daddy!!)
All of this was a big reminder that we are so blessed that Moriah has been so healthy these last 16 weeks. I realize many parents go through so much with their babies and childrens' health issues, and I can't imagine what that must feel like. I got a very teeny tiny glimpse of seeing my baby "unhealthy" and it is truly a helpless feeling. What a reminder that God is in control and He has them in the palm of His hand. Our children belong to Him and each day is a special blessing that He's "loaned" them to us! May I be a good steward of each moment, day, and year we have with precious Moriah!
Moriah started getting a little fussy and I could just tell she was uncomfortable yesterday about 4:30am. She has not woken up in the night since 9 weeks old, so I figured something was going on. She was congested and snorting and whining. She wasn't running a fever yet, but she was unsettled and I could just tell she wasn't feeling well, so I went ahead and gave her a little Tylenol, as well as doing the "snot sucker" and doing some nasal Saline drops. Yesterday afternoon her temp gradually increased, and by last night it was 100.7. I realize no seasoned mother would even bat an eye at that temp, but it was our first fever and I got my first dose of seeing my baby not feeling well and it wasn't too fun! My parents had gone on a date in Tyler and happened to stop by, so I was glad my mom was there with me (and you too, Dad! heehee). Mom held Moriah while I called the doctor and they gave me some good tips, and I was relieved to know I was already doing most of what they suggested. They said I didn't need to bring her in unless her temp got above 102, or if it was lower than that but she was inconsolable or had alot of trouble breathing, wasn't eating, etc. She was still eating ok and although she was uncomfortable and "whimpery," she was consolable. In the night she got fussy again about 3ish, so I went in and checked her and it had gone up to 101.8. She was clammy and not feeling well at all. After changing her diaper, doing her nose drops/snot sucker, and giving her some Tylenol, I snuggled her up with me in the recliner and we both slept until 7:30, at which time she was ready for a bottle. Her temp went down to 100.7 and then at 10:30am it was down to 99.7. So we will see if it keeps going down!
Billy was such a big help. He was just "there" to help or support however I needed and to get something, which is exactly what I needed. I did notice, however, that "thing" you hear about when a baby wants their Mama when they're sick! It's so interesting, because she adores her Daddy! But there was one time in particular he had given her a bottle and she was getting fussy, and when I walked in the room, he was rocking her gently and she was still just fussy and unsettled. I got her and she just stopped. I rocked her and hummed and she just settled in and fell asleep. Billy does such a wonderful job and she loves him so much. But I experienced that moment where she really wanted me when she was sick, and it was a special moment. (Not to take anything away from Billy, I know the day is coming when she'll want only Daddy!!)
All of this was a big reminder that we are so blessed that Moriah has been so healthy these last 16 weeks. I realize many parents go through so much with their babies and childrens' health issues, and I can't imagine what that must feel like. I got a very teeny tiny glimpse of seeing my baby "unhealthy" and it is truly a helpless feeling. What a reminder that God is in control and He has them in the palm of His hand. Our children belong to Him and each day is a special blessing that He's "loaned" them to us! May I be a good steward of each moment, day, and year we have with precious Moriah!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Mouse Pad

Blank Project Mouse Pad
Click here to browse Shutterfly's modern graduation invitations.
View the entire collection of cards.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Please Pray for Baby Thomas's Family
A friend of mine at church named Susan has a friend she asked us to pray for. This precious mother found out early in her pregnancy that her baby had a fatal disease, and that he would either die in the womb or shortly after birth. He was born on April 29th and went to be with Jesus yesterday evening. I cannot imagine the pain they must be feeling. Here is the link to her blog:
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