Jazzy J

Jazzy J

Monday, June 20, 2011

5 months old

Dear Moriah,

It is so hard to believe that you are 5 months old today. I feel like I've known you for so much longer than 5 months! You are still just as sweet and pleasant as ever, and you are getting more and more fun with each new stage. Your awareness and depth is so much more present than even a month or two ago. It's amazing how much you can communicate with your eyes, your facial expressions, noises, and body language! We've had a blast so far this summer...Here's what we've been up to:

* In early June, we went to Tootsie and Pop's so that Daddy could paint their deck and do some trim work on the house. You, me, and Tootsie played and hung out while Daddy and Pop worked. You started rolling over from your tummy to your back "on purpose" and much more often while we were there. The only problem is you'd start out sleeping on your tummy with a blanket, then roll over to your back and kick off the blanket. I would hear you babbling and carrying on in your playpen and have to get up to cover you back up and put you on your tummy. You did that trick several times you stinker! Other than that, you are still sleeping great!
* You made your 1st trip to the lake the Sunday we got back from Gilmer. We were really some traveling girls, let me tell ya! That weekend we went to spend with Emily, Halle, and Whitney for a girls only getaway. You took a little time to adjust to napping at the lakehouse with the noises you're not used to, but pretty soon you were loving it and having a great time! I also had to adjust to having an infant with me and not just jumping in and swimming at any time. I'd wait till you were napping, then bring the monitor out with me and put it on the deck so I could hear you while I floated around with the other girls. We also went to the lake the weekend of Daddy's birthday and celebrated with the Griffins and Tootsie and Pop. Another fun time! I can't wait for many more adventures at the lake with you! You really enjoyed playing with Em and the girls as I knew you would!
* You had your 4 month check up on June 7th (you were actually 4 1/2 mos but I wanted to wait till summer to bring you in). You were 15 lbs (more than twice your birth weight) and 25 3/4 inches long! You're in the 55th % for height and 67% for weight. Who knew you'd be such a "big girl" after all the problems we had with you losing weight early on! As your daddy says, you've got more rolls than a bakery! But they are the sweetest things and so fun to kiss and tickle! Dr. Barret was very pleased with your progress and it seems you are right on target with your development so we are very thankful for that. The only downer of the visit was of course your shots. You gave a good cry when you got them, but then calmed down and fell asleep within minutes of getting into your carseat. We had no low grade fever, irritation, or reactions so that was great.
* You went to Azleway with me and "helped" me work a couple days last week. You did really good and were very friendly to Mama's coworkers. You let several ladies hold you including Mrs. Rambo, Ms. Juanez, Ms. Michelle, and Ms. Annette at the ranch. You were definitely ready for your nap after all the socializing, though, and you fell asleep on the ride home.
* We've gone walking several times this summer with your stroller-either in the early morning or later in the evening when it's not so dadgum HOT!

Things You're Doing Right Now:
* still sleeping about 9-11 hrs per night (thank you Lord!). still taking about 3 naps per day. no complaints here!
* taking a bottle every 3 1/2 - 4 hrs (about 6-7 ozs per bottle). We're going to work some cereal into your diet very soon. You've tried it at Tootsie's and liked it!
* babbling, laughing, and shrieking/squealing when you get excited! you especially like to get loud and rowdy with your Daddy...(big shocker).
* you are quite the social smiler and have such a sweet, beautiful smile!
* you can roll over from your tummy to back but haven't mastered rolling from back to tummy yet
* you are sitting up with support
* when you're on your tummy, you like to raise up on your forearms, lift your chest up and look around.
* in general, you are just so much more alert and aware and involved
* for the last couple of weeks, you've been chewing a LOT on your fingers and also your thumb. you're drooling more as well. wonder if we have a tooth coming in our near future??
* you love to grab and put things in your mouth!

Moriah, you are such a gift. You are sweet, beautiful, funny, patient, friendly, you have a sense of humor, you're very observant, and you're an effective yet polite communicator. I can't wait to see how your personality continues to blossom and grow. We love you so much and hope this summer lasts forever! ; ) Love Always, Mama

Here's a pic of Moriah in her Aggie Cheerleading outfit her Grandma got for her. I'll do my best to post more pics soon.  Gig 'em Ags!

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