Jazzy J

Jazzy J

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Worst Blogger Ever!

Ok, so I've really gotten totally negligent with this blogging business lately. My excuse is that I've gotten behind as a result of Procrastination (something I know nothing about! So glad I don't procrastinate with anything else in my life!) and each time I think about getting back on to blog, it seems like there's too much to catch up with. Then I feel overwhelmed, and the Real Winner in me decides to just not try and continually put it off.

To my credit, I have had a couple road blocks along the way. For example, I mustered up the motivation to post some pictures the other day (still haven't posted pics since the Family reunion back in MAY!) and when I hooked the camera up to the computer, it wouldn't connect. So I just quit and went and did something else.

I'm still waiting on the camera issue to resolve itself, but in the meantime I thought I could at least get on here and catch things up.

How do people with multiple children keep up a blog??

We had a great 4th of July in Gilmer. It was Joe & Barb, Ryan & Shanna & kids, Mom and Dad, Granny, and Billy, Mo, and I. Of course I ate more than I should've and will probably continue my 2 week streak of not losing weight at my weigh-in this week. But the watermelon, hamburgers, chicken, mashed potatoes, black-eyed peas, cookies, and key lime pie was great!

It was so fun watching the fireworks on the back deck and hearing Kyleigh and Brayden "ooh" and "ahh" over each and every firework.



"That was my favorite!"



"No, THAT was my favorite!"

Yep, every single firework. It was so sweet. Meanwhile, Mo was put to bed at 8:00 and slept right through the fireworks. I could even see the volume sensor lights on her monitor all light up with each fireworks, but it didn't disturb her one bit.

Since returning from Gilmer, I've yet to fully unpack. But on the other hand, we've gotten lots of projects started around the house. Not necessarily finished, but started!

Which leads me to the end of this post...got laundry to do, furniture to rearrange, baby clothes to store, checkbook to balance, and on and on. Hope to post pics soon...will check in with the camera and see if it decided to fix itself.

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