Jazzy J

Jazzy J

Monday, August 20, 2012

1 Day Down!

I knew today was gonna go ok when we got in the car, headed down the road about 50 yards, and I turned the radio on. "All I know is I'm not home yet..." was playing and Moriah started clicking her tongue and flapping her legs up and down in her car seat. I, on the other hand, breathed a "thank you Jesus" with a grin.

Mom told me just a couple days ago how she discovered that Moriah liked a song that was playing on her radio in the kitchen. When it came on, she started fussing and motioning towards the radio in a little bit of a panic. (Moriah language for "This is my jam!") Once Mom cranked it up, Moriah threw her hands up in the air and started twirling all around doing a little praise dance. The song was "All I know is I'm not home yet..."

So you can imagine my little moment when I turned on the radio on this First Day of Daycare and that was the song playing : )

The drop off wasn't too bad. Moriah cried but it was just a Regular Cry and not the Blood-Curdling Scream like the other night. I can deal with Regular Cry. I stood to the side of the door after I handed her to the teacher and listened for her, and she stopped crying after a few minutes.

And at that point, I wiped the tears from my own eyes and headed towards work like a big girl!

I left work at promptly 4:00pm and headed for GABC. Billy met me there because he just couldn't resist ; ) We quietly walked up towards her classroom door so we could peak in and observe without her seeing us. Sure enough she was just walking around with no sign of any problem. I then said her name and made eye contact with her, at which point she started crying and walking towards the door. It was sort of that look like "Oh there you are, Mom! I've had a great time although I'm actually pretty worn out and I'm just really glad you came back!"Not a terrified, disturbing cry, just a "happy to see you and by the way I'm exhausted" cry.

I spoke to the teacher for a few minutes and after that conversation I just want to say for the record that I do believe in modern day miracles. My little High-Maintenance- In- The- Sleep- Department-Moriah, who has never once slept in anything but a crib or pack-n-play (and always with a little floor fan to block out noise. In a dark room. With the door closed.)....actually laid on a NAP MAT today with NO BARRIERS around it, with a ROOM FULL OF CHILDREN AND TWO ADULTS AND NO NOISE FAN.


wait for it,

wait for it,


Without crying!

The teacher said she just laid there and stared at everyone until she drifted off to sleep!

I'm still amazed with that one. Must be the "Mob Mentality"--they just do what everyone else is doing. Either way, I'm pretty impressed with her teachers. Well, let's be honest, I'm VERY impressed!!! I'm still shaking my head in disbelief. Just amazing.

When I looked over her little written report for the day,  it said she was in a "playful" mood, she ate "good" for lunch (no surprise there), and had a wet diaper in the morning and afternoon. (She saved a jewel of a poopie diaper for Mama about an hour after we got home). That's ok if she wants to save her poops for the evening--any edge to help her teachers like her better. HA! I kid! (ok maybe a little) ; )

All in all, it was a very good first day and I'm very thankful!

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