Jazzy J

Jazzy J

Friday, February 11, 2011

3 Weeks and 1 day...

Dear Moriah,

You are over 3 weeks old now and I can't believe it! You have brought more joy to our lives than we could've imagined. Being your Mama is so fun and exciting (and challenging)! Your daddy and I have fallen more in love with each other and you every single day. You are growing and changing so much and you do so many cute things! Here are some things about you right now that I don't want to forget...

-You're becoming more aware and your eyes are much more alert.
-You LOVE getting a bath and having your head scrubbed, as well as brushed. It seems to calm you. You even fell asleep in the bath that Tootsie and I gave you on Monday. You like it warm like your Mama!
-You've started smiling and it melts my heart every time you do it! (not sure if you're actually smiling on purpose at this point but I still love it). You really smile whenever I wipe your mouth at feeding time. Guess you're glad to get the mess off your face!
-You're a pretty good burper.
- Now that we are supplementing your diet with formula, you've gained some weight and started pooping more! At the dr Tuesday you were up to 6 lb 11 oz! yay!
- You scrunch up your nose sometimes and it's so cute.
- You've started spitting out your gas drops...you used to love them but now not so much. Girl, you need those drops! Guess I'll have to start sneaking them in your bottle.
- Which brings me to my next point....you are the most beautiful baby girl but you have some TOXIC gas! Especially when you haven't pooped in awhile. Bless your heart. I have to say "Excuse her!" for you when we have company!
- Sometimes you pee when I'm changing your diaper and get your outfit all wet. Then we have to change. But it's ok, Mama is learning!
- You love to kick your legs everywhere when we try to change your diaper. You also love to lay on your changing table which is nice. I think you like the soft cover.
- Your hair is dark and mainly straight, but has some kinky, curlyish parts to it. I wonder what it will end up looking like?! It's thicker on the sides and in the back. And you have a little patch of thick long hair on top near your crown. From the day you were born, the bottom part in the back has gone past your collar, which we think is hilarious. You are on the verge of having a mini-mullet my dear. Business in the front, Party in the back!
- You like to sleep on your side, with your knees up, and you MUST have your hands up near your face at all times. Lord forbid if I put them inside the cover or you will be squirming and whining to get them out.
- At this point, you're not a huge fan of the paci but you will take it at times and enjoy it.
- You are such a beautiful, sweet baby. You have such a pleasant disposition and are just so precious!
- Your daddy adores you! He loves to snuggle with you, hold you for hours, read to you, and pray for you! I can't wait for you to start getting to "know him" better as you grow. You're gonna love him so much! You've got an awesome Daddy and he helps me so much with you!

I love you so very much, sweet girl, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for you. I pray you will fall in love with Him and seek Him and find the joy and excitement that comes with following Him. You are an answered prayer right before our eyes and we love you more than words can say.

Mama : )

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