Jazzy J

Jazzy J

Friday, January 28, 2011

Moriah is Here!

Ok, so most of you know this already, but Moriah Grace Allen arrived last Thursday, January 20th at 12:29pm. She weighed 6 lbs and 14 oz and was 19 inches long. I checked into the hospital about 6:30am and she was here shortly after noon! Let me tell ya, it was fast and furious! Very intense and definitely the most painful and yet gratifying experience ever!

Needless to say we've been a tad bit busy this last week so I haven't had alot of ample time to blog, post pics, text, facebook, etc. I know some people are able to do all that while caring for a newborn, but apparently not me! I was walking around like a zombie for a few days just trying to get a grip! And still do from time to time...nothing like those postpartum hormones! We are adjusting and doing well and enjoying this beautiful gift. I'm going to post a few pics and will continue to get on and post and write some of the details as I have time. However, my first priority is taking good care of this sweet baby girl! : )

Thanks for all of your prayers and well wishes! We are very blessed and grateful!

Here she is fresh out of the "oven" (yikes-she's gonna hate me for this one day-this definitely won't be one for the "wedding slide show" haha)

Here we are looking at this beautiful answered prayer and blessing!

Getting all scrubbed up...1st few minutes outside the womb!

All bundled up looking precious!

With Tootsie and Pop...Grandchild # 4!

Meeting the big cousins: Brayden, Kyleigh, and Karsyn (you can't tell in this pic, but they had shirts that said "Big Cousin" and Moriah had a onesie on that said "Little Cousin")...they were all so cute!

Kyleigh (the oldest grandchild) and Moriah (the youngest)

Brayden (the only boy!) holding little Moriah...he was being so sweet and careful!

Uncle Ryan and Aunt Shanna

Nurse Tonya holding Moriah...all dressed up and nowhere to go!

More pics coming when I get the chance...gotta get off this thing and feed that sweet girl!

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